A barren desert landscape, maroon in color, jagged in shape.
A jawbone of a goat, broken bottles of Olly gummies, a looted Target.
In the distance, at the bottom of a chasm: an old-timey barn.
You enter to find a crowd of the masked ultra elite gazing at you.
The elites demand something of you.
You stutter and your cover is blown – a swarm of bipedal rats sweep in – you trip and tumble down it: you are in it now
– a liminal aperture –
This is the lord of all beasts and flesh is its trophy.
He shouts: “lay down your flesh for a sip of my milk!”
You bite off your pinkie and toss it down his throat
He grumbles with pleasure, exudes a belch
your organs feel hot
You extend your tongue out
and taste the creamy drops
Before you can catch your breath – you fall in.